Who am I?
I bought my first chameleon, Goggles, many years ago – long before chameleon keeping was an established hobby in Europe. Sadly, it died. From that moment I was determined to learn about how to keep these fascinating creatures alive and in good health.
Over the years I’ve been fortunate to breed many species of chameleons in South Africa, Malaysia and the UK. I was the first to successfully breed three species of exotic chameleon in South Africa.
I enjoy sharing my enthusiasm with anyone who will listen! The aim of this website is to provide information about these wonderful creatures so they can thrive in your care.
If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them if I am able. I’m not a vet so cannot comment on a sick chameleon or specific problems of health. In such cases, you should consult a trained vet.
Sharing the experience

The information on this website is based on my own experience and on the most current reliable literature. As your circumstances may be different to mine, I cannot accept any responsibility or liability for the opinions expressed here.
I now live in Malaysia. Please note I do not sell livestock. And I cannot provide any species of chameleon, either in Malaysia or South Africa.
I’ve written two books on chameleons and one on how to breed insects as food for chameleons. These are available on Amazon and proving to be popular books.
Please check them out via these links:
- Exotic Chameleons in South Africa, their care and breeding
- The Beginner’s Guide to Exotic Chameleon Care
- Breeding Insects as feeder food
I welcome any feedback about this website and look forward to hearing from you.
You can e-mail me at: david@sa-chameleons.com