The ideal beginner’s guide

Available from Amazon, this ebook is the ideal introduction for anyone interested in owning a chameleon and wants to know how to care for it properly. Read this beginner’s guide to check out the requirements before you invest your time and money.
This book is based on my many years of experience gained keeping and breeding chameleons in South Africa, Malaysia and the UK, as well as discussing the requirements with hobbyists in Europe and the US. The information in this book is aimed at people who live anywhere in the world. It is not specific to the US, Europe or the tropics.
Keeping a chameleon is straight forward. The species normally mentioned as ideal for beginners, Veiled and Panthers, are relatively hardy. They can tolerate some variations in temperature and other conditions.
However, this is only true if their basic requirements are met. These are simple but often overlooked. Not all pet shops have the necessary knowledge to pass on the right information.
Getting the right start
Once you get the basics right, your chameleon will thrive.
- But what are the basics?
- What do they eat?
- How do they drink?
You need to start with a healthy chameleon.
- What should you look for?
- How do you know the chameleon offered is in good condition?
This beginner’s guide will answer all these questions and more. Here are the chapter headings:
Buying a Chameleon
Where to Buy
What to Look For
Ultraviolet Light
Heating Lights
Gut Loading Crickets
Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD)