This comprehensive guide will show you how to breed different types of insects as food for your chameleon. Each section follows a similar format covering the life cycle, housing requirements, feeding, breeding and more.
All you need to know to get started and succeed is contained in these pages. There are many colour photographs to illustrate the different species and their care.
The book will appeal to anyone who keeps insectivores or who is interested in learning how to rear insects for fun.
Different types of feeder food
The chapters discuss the following type of insects:
- Crickets
- Cockroaches
- Lepidoptera (including waxworms and silkworms)
- Diptera (house and fruit flies)
- Beetles
- Locusts
- Mantis
- Phasmids (Stick and Leaf Insects)
Get your copy of Breeding Insects for Feeder Food is available in either Kindle or paperback version fro Amazon today. The text is the same but the paperback version has more colour photos.