Chameleon Books
For anyone interested in giving the best chameleon care, it’s important to know what your chameleon needs. Research is important. The Internet is a great source of information. But it’s worth checking what you read. The information on this website is thoroughly checked for accuracy and is based on personal experience. But that’s not necessarily true of every website. That’s why chameleon books are important.
Chameleon books are a great resource. Authors make a greater effort to check the accuracy and quality of their writing and information.
Reading a book about chameleons with high-quality photos is satisfying in a way that scrolling through your mobile can never match!
Unlike a website, you can check the reviews of books on Amazon. Many good chameleon books stand the passage of time well. Some of the best I’ve read were written over twenty years ago!
In the list below, (understandably) the first two books about chameleon care are mine, along with a third book about breeding insects to increase the variety of food you provide to your chameleon.
My Books
Beginner’s Guide to Exotic Chameleon Care

The first book is the Beginner’s Guide to Keeping Exotic Chameleons. It is just what it says – a book for beginners. No matter where you live if you are about to buy or are thinking of buying a chameleon, this book is ideal. It covers the basics on housing, lighting, feeding etc. It also has a section on what to look out for when you get to the pet shop. How you can pick a healthy chameleon.
This book is not illustrated as it contains basic information for starting out and I wanted to keep the cost low so as many people as possible could get access to the important information it contained.
For more information, click here: The Beginner’s Guide to Exotic Chameleon Care
Buy direct from Amazon: Beginners Guide to Exotic Chameleon Care
Exotic Chameleons in South Africa – their care and breeding

Exotic Chameleons in South Africa – their care and breeding were originally aimed at chameleon keepers in South Africa as there wasn’t anything available on keeping chameleons in an environment outside of Europe or the US. The information it contains is actually useful to all chameleon keepers, regardless of location.
It covers many topics, some in more depth than common books. For example, it has a chart showing the falloff of UV effectiveness related to the distance from the bulb to the chameleon. It also offers advice on breeding chameleons, incubating the eggs, and caring for the hatchlings.
For more information, click here: Exotic Chameleons in South Africa – their care and breeding
Buy direct from Amazon: Exotic Chameleons in South Africa -their care and breeding
Breeding Insects as feeder food

There’s more to keeping chameleons than cages and UV lights. Providing a varied diet is also important but not always easy. Even in countries where pet shops carry a wide range of feeder foods, the right insects may not be available at the right size or at all.
This book provides a simple answer to keeping a constant supply of varied insects available for your chameleon—breed your own!
For more information, click here: Breeding Insects as feeder food
Other books
Panther Chameleons, Complete Owner’s Manual
62 reviews with 4.4 star rating. 108 pages. Good paperback book to get basic information on Panther chameleon care.
Panther Chameleon Owners Guide.
4.7 star rating from 33 reviews. 132 pages. Kindle version, so limited illustrations. Slightly more information about Panther chameleon care. (New paperback copies hard to get.)
Chameleons: Care and Breeding of Jackson’s, Panther, Veiled, and Parson’s
4.6 star rating from 100 reviews. 144 pages. Covers a range of species, with good advice. Published 2007 but still getting great reviews.
Veiled Chameleon . Veiled Chameleon Owner’s Manual.
4.5 star rating from 146 reviews. 126 pages. A good starter for anyone thinking of getting a Veiled chameleon.
Chameleons: Their Care and Breeding
4.4 star rating from 18 reviews. 112 pages. Published in 1997, so quite old. This was one of my favorite books when I started, due to the wide range of information not found in other books. Still a great read.